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Nossolar Group

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Hi everyone!!! I am very interested in becoming a Web3 developer. Are there any recommendations or resources to help me get started learning about this field?

Vla Che
Vla Che
28 nov. 2023

Hi, great that you want to start down the path of a Web3 developer. It's an exciting field with lots of opportunities. I would recommend checking out the RomTos resource. They have great articles and guides on how to become a Web3 developer . It is possible to start learning Web3 even without a technical background. Sure, it may take you a little longer to master some of the concepts, but it's totally doable. Start with the basics - learn basic protocols like Ethereum, understand blockchain technology and smart contracts. After that, move on to learning programming languages like Solidity, JavaScript, and others, depending on your specific Web3 development goals.



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